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Please note that the following layers are unavailable as open data due to licensing restrictions: Parcels, Assessment and Zoning.

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Explore all of Kitchener's Datasets
Search land base data such as roads and addresses
Land Base
Search boundary data such as wards, planning communities and the municipal boundary
Search community based data such as building permits, election results and polls
Search for environmental data such as trees, parks and rivers
Search for infrastructure data such as stm pipes, fire hydrants and  roads
Search for municipal service data such as leaf collection, voting polling stations and neighbourhood associations.
Municipal Services
Search for Planning layers such as business improvement areas, building permits and heritage areas
Search landmark data such as sports fields, pools and parks
Raster Data
Raster Data
Search for sports and recreation data such as baseball diamonds, cycling and splash pads.
Sports and Recreation
Search for transportation layers such as cycling, railways, and walkability
Search demographic data such as census data
Search non-spatial data such as service requests, election results and capital forecasts
Records (Non-Spatial)
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City Documents and Reports
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Please scroll through the list to discover our open datasets. Additional data is available through the City's public document library.