Supporting Citizen Engagement

The City of Kitchener is committed to supporting citizen engagement and enhancing transparency and accountability to its residents by providing public access to its data. Open data is made freely available to the public in machine-readable format within the agreements of the open data license. We have included data from our Regional partners to find data in the Region of Waterloo easily.

Due to licensing restrictions, the following layers are unavailable as open dataParcels, Assessment and ZoningDetails can be found on the Data Request page.

Link to Metadata
Explore the metadata

New and Noteworthy Applications

See more below under the Explore button

Explore the data

Explore curated collections of apps and maps created from Kitchener's open data.

Link to Map Gallery


Explore maps and apps about the City of Kitchener.

Link to Environmental Gallery

Environment and Urban Forestry

Explore our urban forest and other environmental resources.

Link to Kitchener Municipal Election Results

Municipal Elections

Explore Kitchener Municipal Election Results

Link to Econonic Development and Planning Gallery

Economic Development

Explore our Economic Development and Planning Gallery

Link to Emergency Preparedness Gallery

Emergency Preparedness

Explore our emergency preparedness galley. Additional maps will become available should an emergency be declared as time permits.

Link to Citizen's Science Gallery

Citizen Science

Explore what citizens have been doing with open data. Share your insights with your community by sharing your apps and stories in this gallery.

Analytics about Dataset Requests

Dataset Requests

Explore information about datasets requested and those provided through open data.

Request Open Data Survey

Request Open Data

Request information to be provided through open data.

Explore other sources

Kitchener's GeoHub is not the only source of open data in the city. Use the links below to discover other sources of information.

Paper Maps

Search City of Kitchener's traditional paper maps available for you to print as you wish.


Find answers to frequently asked questions.

Interactive Mapping

The City of Kitchener's OnPoint Interactive Mapping Site. View the Onpoint quick reference guide

Explore Website

Explore the City of Kitchener's public document library for publications - including recreation and leisure guides, brochures, plans and strategies, and our annual report.

Engage Kitchener Surveys
Click the image above to fill in community engagement surveys

open data image Open Data

Kitchener's Open Data Initiative The City of Kitchener is committed to improving citizen engagement and enhancing transparency and accountability to its residents by providing public access to its data. Open data is data that is made freely available to the public in machine-readable format within the agreements of the open data license.

accessing data image Accessing Data

The data currently available from the city is found in our data catalogue. We encourage you to explore the data sets. The catalogue will continue to strive to provide data in multiple formats wherever possible. New data sets will be added as they become available. The data can be downloaded as shapefiles for GIS applications, and as CSV for tables and spreadsheets. Advanced users may also integrate our data into other applications using the REST or GeoJSON API.

Give feedback image Feedback

Through your feedback, the city will prioritize the data sets to be delivered. If you have an idea for information that would be useful as open data or would like to request alternative formats or additional information on existing data sets your input is welcome. Please submit your idea through our Open Data Request Form or email us at Kitchener GIS

Explore Data from Our Regional Partners

Click on the logos below to explore our partner's open data portals